What's that all about ?
Idi is a speech to text engine for unix systems. It is hoped to be a valuable help for disabled people but can also be used as a nice way to remote control a machine.
Is it working ?
Idi is working very nicely if you invest some time in training it. Together with tiling-based window managers it allows full control of the desktop by speech. The only trick is that the documentation is actually work in progress. You might take a look at the manual and any help writing the documentation would be very welcomed.
There is not so much left to do for Idi to become fully documented and operational. Sadly, I started this project due to injuries to my right hand and it is now hurting me too much for quick developments.
If you are disabled or a member of association working with disabled people, do not hesitate to contact me (frederic.wagner 'at' imag.fr) as you would be very happy to received feedback on the usefulness of Idi.